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Institute of Parasitology (Biology Centre CAS), Czech Republic
UMR-BIPAR, Animal health laboratories Maisons Alfort, France
"Laboratory without walls"
Guerrib F., Ning C., Mateos-Hernandéz L., Rakotobe S., Park Y., Hajdusek O., Perner J., Vancová M., Valdés J. J., Šimo L.*. 2023. Dual SIFamide receptors in Ixodes salivary glands. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Accepted!). (*corresponding author)
Leannec-Rialland V*, Cabezas-Cruz A*,-1, Atanasova V, Chereau S, Ponts N, Tonk M, Vilcinskas A, Ferrer N, Valdés JJ, Richard-Forget F-1. 2021. Tick defensin γ-core reduces Fusarium graminearum growth and abrogates mycotoxins production with high efficiency. Scientific Reports. 11(1):7962. *Joint first authors and '1' joint corresponding authors.
Tonk M, Valdés JJ, Cabezas-Cruz A, Vilcinskasa A. 2021. Potent activity of hybrid arthropod peptides linked by glycine spacers. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021, 22(16), 8919.
Mateos-Hernández L., Pipová N., Allain E., Henry C., Rouxel C., Lagrée A-C., Haddad N., Boulouis H-J., Valdés J. J., Alberdi P., de la Fuente J., Cabezas-Cruz A.* and Šimo L.* 2021. Enlisting the Ixodes scapularis Embryonic ISE6 Cell Line to Investigate the Neuronal Basis of Tick-Pathogen Interactions, Pathogens, (accepted) (*corresponding author)
Mateos-Hernandez, L., Defaye, B., Vancová, M., Hajdusek, O., Sima, R. Park, Y., Auttoui, H. Šimo L.* Cholinergic axons regulate type I acini in salivary glands of Ixodes ricinus and Ixodes scapularis ticks. Scientific Reports 10, 16054 (2020). (*corresponding author)
Gobl J, Kumar Sinha D, Sima R, Perner J, Kopáček P, Valdés JJ, Rego ROM, Cabezas-Cruz A. 2020. Histone methyltransferase DOT1L is involved in larval molting and second stage nymphal feeding in Ornithodoros moubata. Vaccines (Basel). 8(2):E157.
Vancová M*, Bílý T, Šimo L, Touš J, Horodyský P., Ruzek D., Novobilský A., Salát J., Strnad M, Sonenshine D., Grubhoffer L., Nebesářová J., 2019. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the feeding apparatus of the tick Ixodes ricinus (Acari: Ixodidae). Scientific Reports (accepted). (* corresponging author)
Vancová M, Bílý T, Nebesářová J, Grubhoffer L, Bonnet S, Park Y, Šimo L*. 2019. Ultrastructural mapping of salivary gland innervation in the tick Ixodes ricinus. Scientific Reports. 9:6860 (*corresponding author)
Kim, D*, Šimo L*, Vancová M, Urban J, Park Y. 2019. Neural and endocrine regulation of osmoregulatory organs in tick: Recent discoveries and implications. Gen and Comp Endocrinol. 278:42-49 (* equal contribution)
Cabezas-Cruz A*, Espinosa PJ*, Alberdi P*, Šimo L*, Valdés JJ, Mateos-Hernández L, Contreras M, Rayo MV, de la Fuente J. 2018. Tick galactosyltransferases are involved in α-Gal synthesis and play a role during Anaplasma phagocytophilum infection and Ixodes scapularis tick vector development. Sci Rep. 8(1): 14224. (* equal contribution)
Artigas-Jerónimo S, Villar M, Cabezas-Cruz A, Valdés JJ, Estrada-Peña A, Alberdi P, de la Fuente J. 2018. Functional evolution of Subolesin/Akirin. Front Physiol. 9:1612
Estrada-Peña A, Villar M, Artigas-Jerónimo S, López V, Alberdi P, Cabezas-Cruz A, de la Fuente. 2018. Use of graph theory to characterize human and arthropod vector cell protein response to infection. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 8:265.
Estrada-Peña A, Álvarez-Jarreta J, Cabezas-Cruz A. 2018. Reservoir and vector evolutionary pressures shape the adaptation of Borrelia. Infect Genet Evol. 66:308-318.
Couto J, Tonk M, Ferrolho J, Antunes S, Vilcinskas A, de la Fuente J, Domingos A, Cabezas-Cruz A. 2018. Antiplasmodial activity of tick defensins in a mouse model of malaria. Ticks Tick Borne Dis. 9(4):844-849.
Cabezas-Cruz A, Vayssier-Taussat M and Greub G. 2018. Tick-borne pathogen detection: what’s new? Microb Infect. 20(7-8):441-444.
Cabezas-Cruz A and de la Fuente J. 2017. Immunity to α-Gal: the opportunity for malaria and tuberculosis control. Front Immunol. 8:1733.
Cabezas-Cruz A and de la Fuente J. 2017. Is the blood type an overlooked risk factor in epidemiological studies of the α-Gal syndrome? Allergy. 72(12):2044-2047.
Cabezas-Cruz A and de la Fuente J. 2017. Immunity to α-Gal: toward a single-antigen pan-vaccine to control major infectious diseases. ACS Central Science. 3(11):1140-1142.
Cabezas-Cruz A, Estrada-Peña A, Rego RO, De la Fuente J. 2017. Tick-pathogen ensembles: do molecular interactions lead ecological innovation? Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 7:74.
Cabezas-Cruz A, Espinosa PJ, Obregón DA, Alberdi P, de la Fuente J. 2017. Ixodes scapularis tick cells control Anaplasma phagocytophilum infection by increasing the synthesis of phosphoenolpyruvate from tyrosine. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 7:375.
Gondard M, Cabezas-Cruz A, Charles RA, Vayssier-Taussat M, Albina E, Moutailler S. 2017. Ticks and Tick-Borne Pathogens of the Caribbean: Current Understanding and Future Directions for More Comprehensive Surveillance. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 7:490.
Estrada-Peña A, de la Fuente J, Cabezas-Cruz A. 2017. Functional redundancy and ecological innovation shape the communities of tick-transmitted pathogens. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 7:234.
de la Fuente J, Contreras M, Estrada-Peña A, Cabezas-Cruz A. 2017. Targeting a global health problem: Vaccine design and challenges for the control of tick-borne diseases. Vaccine. 35(38): 5089-5094.
de la Fuente J, Antunes S, Bonnet S, Cabezas-Cruz A, Domingos AG, Estrada-Peña A, Johnson N, Kocan KM, Mansfield KL, Nijhof AM, Papa A, Rudenko N, Villar M, Alberdi P, Torina A, Ayllón N, Vancova M5, Golovchenko M, Grubhoffer L, Caracappa S, Fooks AR, Gortazar C, Rego ROM. 2017. Tick-pathogen interactions and vector competence: identification of molecular drivers for tick-borne diseases. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 7:114.
Contreras M, Alberdi P, Mateos-Hernandez L, Fernández De Mera I G, Garcia-Perez A L, Vancova M, Villar M, Ayllón N, Cabezas-Cruz A, Valdés JJ, Stuen S, Gortazar C, de la Fuente J. 2017. Anaplasma phagocytophilum MSP4 and HSP70 Proteins Are Involved in Interactions with Host Cells during Pathogen Infection. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 7:307.
González-Álvarez VH, Fernández de Mera IG, Cabezas-Cruz A, de la Fuente J, Ortega-Morales AI, Almazán C. 2017. Molecular survey of Rickettsial organisms in ectoparasites from a dog shelter in Northern Mexico. Vet Parasitol. 10: 143-148
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